*WE ARE CRAYCRAYZYYYY : our sod options are 50% off. Just add an extra 4.8 c/ft2 and you could have a sod that really fits your needs.
👉 This year, we're so geeky, we've decided that it's going to cost you less if you place your order online. But do not worry my friend, it's really easy to do, we've made it super duper smooth. We answer a lot of your questions here. And anyway, in 2022, who wants to talk on the phone?!
Hippie Green Sod... Let’s save the bees!
If you're the type of person (like us) who takes Tupperware to the grocery store, washes, and reuses Ziplocs, and has your own compost heap, then Hippie Green for Grass is for you! This grass is composed of Microclover®, fine fescue and Kentucky bluegrass: hello biodiversity, goodbye monoculture! Hippie Green Grass is our most eco-friendly grass (grown without pesticides). Let's save the planet together!
Thumbs up : If you want to be environmentally responsible in every way and save the bees (Microclover® produces flowers, but regular mowing will limit their presence)
Thumbs down : If you’re afraid of insects or potential bites or if you want a traditional, pristine-looking lawn
- Mixture of different Kentucky bluegrass and fine fescue cultivars with added Microclover®.
- Perfect for your eco-friendly projects
- Native fescues and Kentucky bluegrass adapted to our climatic conditions
- Very high biodiversity
- Microclover® is three times smaller than common white clover
- Microclover® tolerates short mowing
- This variety can withstand moderate trampling
- Regular mowing of Microclover® will keep flowers to a minimum
50% Kentucky bluegrass (Poa pratensis L.), 30% creeping red fescue (Festuca rubra L. ssp. rubra), 10% Chewing fescue (Festuca rubra L. ssp. commutata Gaud.), 5% common fescue (Festuca ovina L. duriuscala), 5% dwarf white clover (Trifolium repens)
Fully mature grass, 24 months old on average
9 to 20 mm excluding thatch
80 to 100 mm
2 pi x 5 pi
- A WOW-effect lawn. We sell the best, most beautiful grass in Quebec!
- Speedy Gonzales delivery in 48 hours!
- SERIOUS excellent customer service!
Not included in the price:
Unfortunately, we don’t offer turnkey landscaping services, nor do we sell soil or provide grading services. You’ll need to handle the preparation of your grounds so that it is ready when the sod is delivered. You can hire a pro or do it yourself. If you decide to get your hands dirty (heh), check out our successful installation and set-up and professional maintenance tips. They’ll answer most of your questions. You'll see; the tips will make the job a snap!